Social Crowdfunding – How Can It Make A Difference To The Working Of An NGO?

Without a doubt, NGOs and nonprofit organizations do a lot to make the lives of the unprivileged better. For that, finances and other resources are in need, and motivating others to donate can be a difficult task. At this point, the option of social crowdfunding comes in really handy. It enlists the help of individualContinue reading “Social Crowdfunding – How Can It Make A Difference To The Working Of An NGO?”

How does hunger affect our country’s literacy?

The relationship between nourishment and education is something that we are all aware of. Even after seventy-five years of independence, some families cannot provide their members with two square meals per day. With continuous deprivation of food, individuals fail to reach their optimum level of growth. With the unavailability of nutritious food, many develop signsContinue reading “How does hunger affect our country’s literacy?”

5 things you need to know about saving tax by making an NGO donation in India

Individuals from different walks of life including philanthropic individuals and business owners donate money to NGOs to extend a hand of support to the most vulnerable members of our community. Some people donate as they feel it is their duty to, while some donate to feel a sense of satisfaction that they have helped someone in need.Continue reading “5 things you need to know about saving tax by making an NGO donation in India”

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